Monday, February 8

we are excited!

What feels like a long long loooong time ago we started a little stop animation for our save the date. What we imagined would only time a week, with a little sneak peek here, has taken us almost a month due to time constraints and wanting to sleep at night instead. However! We are both extremely excited because we finally found a little chunk of time and finished filming all of the scenes. I thought I would share a better little sneak peek for everyone to enjoy:

I am so close to being done with the editing, but since it is 5am I think I might set it aside just for a tiny bit longer and get some real sleep to start fresh on it tomorrow!


  1. Those scenes where we are exiting the elevator and riding the horse turned out incredible! Also, I still love the choppiness of the elevator rising.

  2. This is awesome.
    Love the rising elevator! I'd looove to see the rest.
